ELECTRONIC AGREEMENT & PAYMENT:  • By accepting the electronic estimate, or a paper copy, the customer is agreeing to the payment terms, as stated in the estimate. Prices are subject to change, with customer’s approval. •Richards’ LLC requires a payment of half (1/2) of the total amount before ordering materials and scheduling the project. •Richards’ LLC requires that the remainder of the total amount is paid in full at the conclusion of the project. Any unpaid balance is subject to additional fees. •Prices presented to the customer are valid for 30 days from the date of the estimate. •Richards’ LLC reserves the right to use photos from before and after the project on Richards’ LLC’s website and/or social media pages. If for any reason, the customer does NOT want the images to be used, the customer is responsible for notifying Richards’ LLC before the project begins

PRE-PROJECT: • Richards’ LLC reserves the right to cancel work due to unforeseen circumstances, and then refund deposits where possible. •The customer’s project will be scheduled as soon as is practical based on Richards’ LLC’s current workload at the time of receiving the customer’s electronically signed acceptance to the contract and a down-payment of 1/2 of the cost of the entire project. Scheduling may be affected by the availability of materials, labor and any other conditions beyond our control. •The customer is responsible for ensuring that the work area is free of obstructions and in a condition ready to receive the application of the system coating. Additional charges will be applied if Richards’ LLC needs to clear the work area. •The customer is responsible for providing unobstructed, clean and clear access, to adequate lighting, relevant power, and working water within the work area.

DURING PROJECT/APPLICATION:  • Unless specified by Richards’ LLC in the agreement, no allowances have been made to reinstate or caulk joints, or cracks which exceed the require repair prior to epoxy coatings being applied. •No allowances can be made for any dewatering or for effects caused by inclement weather/environmental conditions. Any cleaning, clearing or environment conditions may result in delayed work from Richards’ LLC and/or additional costs. •Richards’ LLC cannot be held responsible for delays caused by product/material suppliers. Materials will be ordered when the agreement is electronically signed and the amount of 1/2 of the project is received by Richards’ LLC. •Richards’ LLC will not be held responsible for any debris, dust, pollen, or like debris that may settle into the coating while drying. Richards’ LLC uses a dustless grinding technique however airborne dusts and materials may settle. It is the customer’s responsibility to provide adequate protection to the area, and keep their distance from the area while the coating is in the drying process. •Richards’ LLC will not be held responsible where damage is caused to the preparation site or the applied coating due to neglect of the customer. Any costs to repair the work area shall be covered by the customer. •The customer is responsible for isolating any gas or electrical fixings before the project and reinstating at the end of the project. •Richards’ LLC is not responsible for any markings on surfaces caused by the necessary use of high-speed grinding equipment.

POST-PROJECT: •   Richards’ LLC will take every precaution to prevent irregularities or imperfections. However, the epoxy flooring systems are handmade, and slight irregularities or imperfections can be expected. By signing the electronically accepting the project, the customer is accepting that they understand these irregularities or imperfections may occur. Examples of irregularities or imperfections include, but are not limited to, roller marks, reflective cracking, an/or minor pinholes. •Richards’ LLC uses epoxy systems which require a minimum of 24 to 48 hours from completion prior to accepting foot traffic, and longer for vehicular traffic, or furniture, equipment, storage systems, and appliances. Richards’ LLC will not be liable for any defects caused by early use of the surface. Some systems can take up to 7 days to achieve full chemical cure. During this period, the customer is not to use of any water, cleaning agents or similar which may affect the systems appearance and/or performance. •Some epoxy systems may yellow and chalk with exposure to UV rays (sunlight). Areas indoors that receive direct sunlight exposure for any intervals during the day may experience some discoloration if the customer has chosen a system without a UV resistant sealer. Richards’ LLC will not be held responsible for any discoloring.

WARRANTY: • Richards’ LLC will use best trade practices and care will be taken to ensure adequate preparation, bonding and installation of the system in accordance with manufacturers’ and suppliers’ technical advice. •Richards’ LLC agrees to repair defects in the floor coating system for a period of one (1) year from the effective date of installation caused by improper substrate preparation and workmanship in the installation process. However, our warranty is void and Richards’ LLC shall NOT be responsible for defects and/or if the system fail is a result of any of the following : 1. Failure within substrate due to concrete fracture, 2. Structural movement including stress fractures, 3. Cracks or ruptures in the structural base, 4. Mechanical damage, 5. faulty structural design and/or structural defects, 6. Rising moisture, 7. Oil or other contaminations, 8. Any unforeseen circumstances beyond our control (accidents, thermal conditions, natural disasters, acts of God, or criminal activity).